Spotlight on women in leadership: Ruby Jones, Head of Ops @ Aquila

Phoebe Pincus
July 7, 2024
In our Spotlight series, we’re introducing you to our first ever cohort of Ladymates Leaders.

In our Spotlight series, we’re introducing you to our first ever cohort of Ladymates Leaders.


We reckon they are just about the most incredible bunch ever to come through a Startmate program: they are smart, pioneering, natural leaders who have already achieved enormous amounts and will go on to change the face of this ecosystem. 


So - meet Ruby.

Tell us a little bit about your career so far

A renewables and systems engineer by background, I spent my uni years building and racing solar cars. I've loved the startup ecosystem since being part of the Startmate Student Fellowship and then ending up in the Blackbird Giants program with a startup tackling subconscious gender bias.  

What's your role now?

After a few years doing renewable development in wind and solar I recognised that the problem of energy and grid was where I wanted to direct my focus and joined Aquila - a deep tech startup developing long range, wireless energy transmission - as part of the first hiring round as Head of Operations. 

Why did you apply to join LL?

To connect with those that are in or have been in similar challenges to mine, whilst achieving a depth of friendship that can go beyond one course!

What's been the best part so far?

The women (of course). But in particular the way that the cohort is structured means that you have long term ongoing wisdom to tap into. This isn’t a one and done this is a slow burn development of all things you never knew you needed. The course is run with such a light hand on the tiller but with a lot of thought - it almost feels like a book club for very directed learning.

What are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment?

 The obstacle is the way - Ryan Holiday

What would be your alternative career?

Stand up comedian

Favourite quote?

Happiness is a choice that takes effort at times.


Ladymates leadership is ANZ's first highly vetted, mentor-driven community for women leaders in tech. You’ll get exec coaching, peer-to-peer mentorship, exclusive workshops and a powerful women-led community.

We can’t wait to help you on this stage of your journey 💟

>> start your application for our upcoming intake HERE.

Itching for more? Read more here.

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Phoebe PincusPhoebe Pincus
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