What are peer advisory groups???

Holly Brooks
August 15, 2024
Peer advisory groups memberships startmate

If you haven't heard - We've just launched three different memberships: Ladymates Leadership, Ladymates Collective & Engineers Collective.

Included in these memberships are "peer advisory groups" that meet once a month and form an incredibly valuable and popular part of the membership experience.

Keep reading for more information around these peer advisory groups that we keep harping on about.

✨ So, what are peer advisory groups???

👯‍♀️ Small groups based on professional experience, specific challenges you’re facing, location and stage in career journey

⭐️ Designed to help you navigate professional challenges, soundboard ideas, sense check decision-making, and build professional (and personal) career allies

🗓️ Running ~1 x per month

✨ How does it work?

During kickoff we will put you into a group of ~ 6 people. A huge amount of time goes into making sure you’re suitably matched. We’ll obviously introduce you at the outset and make sure you’re happy. THEN, once a month you and your group will meet up and follow this structure.


💌 You’ll submit challenges you’re facing / discussion topics for peer advice and feedback to a slido

👍 Everyone will upvote discussion topics based on what they’d most like to work through

✨ Talk through discussion topics and work through challenges together

✨ Side notes:

  • 🤝🏼 We usually encourage peer advisory sessions to run in person (if possible)!
  • 🎉 This is fun and social
  • ⭐️ Each session you’ll grow closer as a group and want to lean on each other, learn from mistakes and successes, and gain clarity on what might work for you 💡
  • 💬 Your peer group is there for you beyond just the live sessions, you'll have a private slack channel for soundboarding, sharing resources, and supporting each other.

This is by far one of the most special parts of the Ladymates Collective membership. I can’t tell you how valuable it is to be matched with other women who are facing similar challenges and are willing and open to sharing their vulnerabilities in a safe and accepting environment. The level up following each of these sessions is INSANE.

The level up following each of these sessions is INSANE.

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Ladymates Collective
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Holly BrooksHolly Brooks
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