Gen-Z startup Zello is transforming the 140-year-old fitting room experience

October 2, 2024
Startmate Winter'24 Accelerator Founder

In 1883, French writer Émile Zola documented the first in-store fitting room, but according to Zello co-founder Olyvia Munro, not much has really changed since then.  

“Bricks-and-mortar fashion retail has remained largely untouched by technology,” says Olyvia, 23. 

Zello’s survey of 1,000 shoppers revealed that 91% were dissatisfied with the fitting room experience. This dissatisfaction isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it directly impacts retailers' bottom lines, with 70% of shoppers making purchase decisions inside the fitting room.

Common frustrations like the wrong size, limited options, and a lack of helpful advice lead shoppers to either abandon their purchases or opt for fewer items.

Zello aims to change that. Developed by Olyvia and her co-founder, 22-year-old Computer Science student Sakina Aliasger, this digital fitting room assistant is set to revolutionise the in-store shopping experience for shoppers and retailers alike.

Beyond a literal doorbell 

Zello works by integrating RFID (radio frequency identification) technology with a tablet in each fitting room. As shoppers enter and close the curtain, the system detects RFID tags on clothing items, displaying relevant details on a sleek tablet interface. Customers can easily request different sizes or additional items, while retail staff receive real-time notifications to ensure quick and easy assistance.

The current competition for this? A literal doorbell—used by many large retailers—or the awkward shout over the fitting room door to a partner sitting on the classic ‘boyfriend seat.’

But Zello offers more than just improved service; it also provides retailers with critical insights into customer behavior.

“Currently retailers have no way of collecting data on shopper behaviour inside fitting rooms,” Olyvia says. “This costs them time and money and they’re leaving behind valuable opportunities to convert, delight and upsell customers.” 

Zello allows retailers to monitor popular items, track returns to the shop floor, and suggest complementary pieces—essentially acting as a discreet, non-invasive fitting room assistant. The technology also integrates with retailers’ inventory management systems, ensuring stock levels are accurate and accessible, and you’ll always be able to find your size. 

It’s a truly omnichannel solution for retailers grappling with the rising cost of bricks and mortar. 

“One of the biggest challenges in retail today is integrating online and in-store experiences,” Sakina points out. “Zello takes that connection to the next level. While in the fitting room, customers can not only try on clothes but also browse the store's website and receive real-time outfit recommendations.”

The power of a growth mindset 

Olyvia and Sakina met through mutual friends and quickly bonded over their shared frustrations with the outdated in-store shopping experience. As young founders, they have faced skepticism in a competitive industry. Yet their passion and innovative ideas have attracted attention from some pretty impressive industry experts and mentors. 

“As a young founder, you're driven by curiosity and the desire to constantly improve. You're willing to talk to different people and gather insights from different perspectives, recognizing that every conversation is an opportunity to enhance your product,” Sakina says.

“I may not have the decades of experience that someone else might have, but my passion is just as strong, and I'm always open to learning and growing.”

Through their involvement with Startmate, Lyv and Sakina have connected with retail leaders like Matt Jones, co-founder of Four Pillars, and FMCG strategist Meirav Ambar.

Their Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was developed in just four weeks, and they have now launched a pilot in Kivari boutiques across the country. 

Partnerships with MYER are also in the works, as they prepare to kick off a $1M pre-seed funding round following a pitch at Startmate Demo Day on 14 October, 2024.

Bringing profit to IRL

Zello is not just enhancing the fitting room experience: it’s transforming the entire bricks and mortar retail landscape for a new generation.

“As Gen Z digital natives, we have grown up in a world of online shopping. We have lived our lives and shopped for fashion online first. And yet there’s something timeless and joyous about shopping for clothes IRL (in real life),” Olyvia says.  

“We are committed to reimaging and redesigning the in-store shopping experiences of the future, ensuring the vibrancy and profitability of retail stores and maintaining the primacy of the bricks and mortar retail landscape.”

Catch Olyvia and Sakina’s pitch at Startmate Demo Day 14 October.

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Holly ClarkHolly Clark
Holly is Communications Lead at LaunchVic and an inaugural Startmate Media Fellow.

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