Spotlight on women in leadership: Ellen Black, Growth Lead @ Open

Phoebe Pincus
July 7, 2024
In our Spotlight series, we’re introducing you to our first ever cohort of Ladymates Leaders.

In our Spotlight series, we’re introducing you to our first ever cohort of Ladymates Leaders.


We reckon they are just about the most incredible bunch ever to come through a Startmate program: they are smart, pioneering, natural leaders who have already achieved enormous amounts and will go on to change the face of this ecosystem. 


So - meet Ellen!

Tell us a little bit about your career so far

Last week I started a new role as Growth Lead at an insurtech startup called Open. This means I am the account owner and product manager for Open's largest partnership.

Before this I was managing NSW and QLD at Lime, leading a team of 40 staff and 8,000 e-bikes. Prior to this role, I studied finance, worked in a few areas across banking/insurance and completed my MBA at UNSW (AGSM). I also had a brief go at being a founder!

Why did you apply to join LL?

I joined LL to build a support network of female leaders, group solve tricky management issues and receive executive coaching from some of Australia's best!

What's been the best part so far?

Surrounding myself with high achieving women has been the best part. The most beneficial learning yet for me has been learning how to identify the saboteurs.

What are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment?

A Court of Thorns and Roses to catch up with the romantasy LL's

Favourite quote?

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

What would be your alternative career? 

100% Veterinarian

Outside of work I love

an appropriate blend of outdoor adventure activities with friends and hot toddy's by the fire (i.e. kmart oil heater)


Ladymates leadership is ANZ's first highly vetted, mentor-driven community for women leaders in tech. You’ll get exec coaching, peer-to-peer mentorship, exclusive workshops and a powerful women-led community.

We can’t wait to help you on this stage of your journey 💟

>> start your application for our upcoming intake HERE.

Itching for more? Read more here.

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Phoebe PincusPhoebe Pincus
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